Special Announcements: Blade has NO signed agreement with any artist to copy his works, and has NOT participated in the makings of them. All paintings are a FRAUD! without his personal signature.
1st :Alpha beta 70 Greenpoint ave (bet west & Franklin)
Date: April 10,2009
7pm Friday Brooklyn
SUBWAY ART WILL BE ON THE BOOKSHELVES IN MAY 2009 WORLD WIDE! This is the 25th anniversary of Subway art.It is 17"long & 12" wide & the centerfold opens 37". Blade will be in London at the Book signing for Thames & Hudson with Martha Cooper & Henry Chalfant May 2009
Yaki Kornblit, Blade, Director-auctioneer Rob Sneep, Vincent Vlasblom, Portia, after the first success at Sotheby's
The Boss Vincent Vlsblom,Yaki Kornblit, Blade TC5, Herman, Reinet, up front Rob Sneep-Amsterdam Auctioneer Director
Portia, Yaki Kornblit, Blade TC5, Rob Sneep; Vincent Vlasblom,- Blade with 2 new young graff fans outside Sothebys in Ansterdam Dec 3, 2008
Blade & Portia with Yaki Kornblit outside the first successful graff auction Dec 3,2008
Chillin with Blade in front of Martha Cooper's apt on Riverside Drive in front of his 1972 T-bird The Brazilian writers are Os Gemeos(the twins)& their sister.November 2008 AMERICAN GRAFFITI ART 70'S 90'S GALERIE HELENBECK GALERIE GISMONDI
Blade & Portia outside of the Tag Town book signing party next to the 72 t-bird. Portia,Blade & Amrl "We'd like to thank all of the people who came out to show their support for Martha Cooper's Tag Town book.The evening was a huge success!!!!
Lava,snake1,#1fan,Clyde,Amrl & Ink76 Stay High149 signing poster
Freedom & family, Fans Galore!
Flint 707 & lovely daughter, Part 1,Portia & Amrl
Mrs.Blade(Portia) & Rub5, Ket, Mr.Hip Hop Ken & Martha
COM -N- GRAF 2 SATURDAY 9.27.09 7PM-11PM /ALL AGES /FREE TECHNICAL SKATE SHOP 230 NEWBURY ST., BOSTON - Tel - 617.262.0003 TECHNICALSHOPS.COM MYSPACE.COM/ROBSTULL This Saturday, the work of 45 artists will be packed into one place. The work displayed will be both comic and graffiti art, and the show, COMnGRAF 2, is a conscious attempt to contrapose the two graphic styles, highlighting the stylistic influence each has on the other. The show is the brainchild of artist Rob Stull, a veteran of the comic book world, and graffiti writer and comic book inker GRODZ. It is the second in a series that began at the end of May. The first show kept Stull so busy that he never noticed, until he got ready to leave, that it had been raining for most of the night. This installment is expected to create even more excitement, and renowned artists from both graphic persuasions will be attending—including legendary graffiti artist Blade and comic artist Khary Randolph. Randolph just finished his first season as head character designer for the new Wolverine and the X-Men cartoon series for Fox. For Blade, whose career began in the '70s, graffiti was "just a bunch of kids having fun," he says. Blade has painted more than 5,000 subway cars and claims to be the "only living person since Warhol to make the cover of the Sotheby's catalog." This Saturday, he will be showing a re-creation of a piece he painted on a subway car in 1976. It will be reproduced on the underside of a skate deck, something he's never done before, and the purchaser will also get a framed photo of Blade standing next to the original in '76. The conflation of comic and graffiti art hadn't yet begun when Blade started painting. "Back then, artists were listening to psychedelic rock," he says. "Nobody was spinning on their head listening to Sly Stone or Janis." The idea behind COMnGRAF, to explicitly highlight the crossover of graffiti and comic art, is something Blade has never seen. "It's a new idea, it should work." Randolph represents another generation of artist at the show. He says that growing up, "graffiti was all around us," and though he's never written graffiti himself, "it fed into what I do." He's seen shows that featured a wide variety of graphic styles, including graffiti and comic art, but never one like this, designed specifically to celebrate the interconnectedness of the two. As a Boston native, Randolph is excited the show will be taking place here. "Even if it's in a small way, I'm giving back to the town that raised me." The work of comic artists, Leinil Francis Yu, Ed McGuinness, Sanford Greene and many more will be shown. Graffiti artists T.Kid, Ces, Pose 2, Wane COD, Nic One and many more represent the street. It ultimately will lead to the publishing of a book about the connection of the two forms by True Elements, a publishing LLC founded by Stull. BLADE AND THE BAZAY JAM BAND
Those of you down with graff and Hip Hop culture will know that BLADE was an early New York graffiti pioneer. He painted over 5000 subway cars throughout the early 1970s and his work was featured in documentaries like Style Wars and From Here To Carnesie. Most of his fans dont realise he was also a well known and influential bass player and band leader from the Bronx. His funky style was also found in his fat bass playing for groups like THE FIRST CLASS GOOD TIME BAND and the BAZAY JAM BAND. These groups occasionally toured throughout New York State, but rarely recorded. One box of four track cassette tapes remained for all those years of playing. Those tapes sat dormant at BLADES apartment for years, occasionally getting played to European art collectors who constantly visit him hounding him for new paintings. Tash and I were visiting BLADE at his NYC Bronx based apartment, to pay our respects and get some old school knowledge. Tash was particularly interested in finding out about the old school female writers. I always dig any old school story from someone who was there. I had made the pilgramage to New York City on four seperate occasions for this very reason. BLADE has lived there most of his life. New York City born and bred. A true Bronx Bomber. From his window, you can see the trains running. His parents live in an apartment block right next door. Near Dyre Avenue in the Bronx. Well worth the travel to check out the legend and his old school flicks. BLADE bought Tash and I lunch for the local chinese takeaway.... beers, bud and black bean sauce... Looking thru lots of old school flixs and getting some bass guitar tips. To get the party moving he busted out some old tapes. Early recordings..... the tapes were fat psychedelic hard fat funk and early electro bombs from the heart of the Boogie Down Bronx.. That day was one of the high points of both our lives.
THE RECORDINGS TRANSFER Once I had permission from BLADE for the recordings I had to find a studio. I spent a couple of days trying various friends I had and then thru the VILLAGE VOICE I tried a bunch of studios. I could not find any studios with the old recording equipment. I had a moment of clarity and I relised I had to take the 4 track recorder down to a studio. So I had to take his old four track down to little studio on the east side lower Manhattan and get the recordings made into protools. A big chunk of trust was needed as I could have easlily hocked the 4 track.
I had the tracks, 11 in total all transferred onto protools. Each track seperated still. I fly back to Australia 3 days later. Once back I gave the recording to Jigsaw Geoff to cut down. Some of these jams were 12 minutes long and often with tape damage in sections. We made copies of a number of tracks and then sent them out to Australias best beats producers- RANSOM, PERIL, JIGSAW GEOFF. THE RECORDINGS 11 Original recordings by
BLADE On each CD you will find 11 original tracks, 3 remixes as well as some excerpts from an interview I conducted with BLADE in 1997. I interviewed a number of New York legends including DERO, BLADE, FLITE, KEL and MIN ONE. All recordings were made on tape and sat in a box at my place Brisbane for the last 5 years. Now grab this rare chance to listen to these funky recordings.This is raw funk from the heart of the Bronx. PRESSING
TO ORDER BLADES CD Australian Orders Send cash, cheque or money order for $20US or $30Aust to- 183 If you have any questions please email me at kasino@gil.com.au. © ONE EIGHT THREE.
We'd like to thank Jeanette & Jeppe Line - Mikkel - Mads - Michael - Signe - Jeppe and Jeanette May28th "Blade,Jacques Rue,Portia & Pasqualle mixing business&Pleasure (Jacques & family flew in from Paris to meet the king of Graf Blade & his wife Portia")
Jacques Rue,fresh in from Paris with family(purchasing a painting from The king of graffiti Blade") "Blade & Portia would like to wish Martha Cooper
a very Happy 65th birthday" Thanks & God Bless!
Seen,Blade & Lee chillin at Henry's 50th (Back in the day!!!) click on first photo for blade interview on youtube click on second photo for more Blade interview
Blade,Swet.Easy & Biel."Blade Adds some Flavour with writers in Scandanavia"Special thanks to NEXR & His Queen Matilde for their hospitality"
We're sorry for the loss of a good friend & fellow write "AEIS RIP" The wall was painted by "NEXR"We feel your loss here in America! Blade & Swet painting & chillin in Aarhus(Scandanavia)Sept.2007
BLADE TC5 REMIX 2007 Cope2, Cornbread, Blade & T-Kid will be in Reading Pa. from Dec.7th -Jan.2nd. "The 1st Graffiti artist in the
world (1966) Cornbread meets Blade (the King of graffiti 1972) at
Ian White's show
Blade's 1st collaberation (piece) with Boxie (Amsterdam)
A heartfelt thanks to Henrik, Christian, Jon for making their vision a reality, that shall live in the hearts of all people involved Copenhagen Exhibition Blade and Portia would like to thank Jeanette Oxvang and Jeppewestrup of the Graffiti galleret .DK for their support and love during their visit Aarhus Anders Lars Jimmie were great underground soldiers who rose to the ranks for the kings arrival.The queen gives her love and expresses her gratitude for a warm reception from everyone.VH1 Presents (The Coolest Nite In HELL) airs on VH1 Channel at 9pm on August `11th (The Blackout of 1977's 30th Anniversary!!!!) Blade, Henry Chalfant & Lee appear in interviews! Sept.5th 2007,Blade lectures at the Danish National Museum of Art in Copenhagen, Denmark (Historic lecture on Graffiti)
BLADE EXHIBITION IN COPENHAGEN Copenhagen Sept,4th/ graffitigalleriet.dk Sept, 6th afterparty Sept,6th/ Live Painting in Fredericia Sept,7th / Artboks Opening & Afterparty at Sept,8th / Amsterdam Departure Sept, 11th |
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